Mastering Business Acquisition with Nathan Moody Insights on Success

Show Notes

In this episode of The Exceptional Business Podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Nathan Moody, a brilliant scientist, business owner, and man of faith. Nathan shared his journey from being a research scientist and program manager at a national laboratory to acquiring and running a precision machine shop focused on prototypes and fabrication for aerospace and other advanced applications.


From Scientist to Business Owner

Nathan’s experience working with small machine shops as a customer gave him a unique perspective on their potential as mini innovation hubs. This experience, coupled with his growing uneasiness about the atrophy in American manufacturing strength, led him to take on the challenge of acquiring and running a business in this space.


Navigating the Acquisition Process

During our conversation, Nathan shared valuable insights on how sellers can set up their business transitions for success. He emphasized the importance of knowing yourself, your business, and your industry. Nathan also discussed the challenges he faced during the acquisition process and what he wished he had done differently, such as setting clear expectations with the seller and being more robust in his due diligence.


The Three P’s: People, Process, and Profit

Once you’ve acquired a business, Nathan believes that focusing on three core areas is crucial: people, process, and profit. He shared his approach to building trust and assessing the right fit for team members, the importance of documenting and understanding business processes, and the need for a simple yet effective cashflow analysis model.


Stories of Success and Divine Provision

One of the highlights of our conversation was Nathan’s story about finding a key person who had previously worked for the company he acquired. This person’s return to the business as an office manager proved to be a game-changer, providing the transfer value and knowledge necessary for a smooth transition.


Lean Startup Methodology and Core Values

Nathan also shared his love for the book “Lean Startup” and how it has helped him lead without assuming he knows everything. The book’s emphasis on asking the right questions and running safe tests to gain insights has been invaluable in his journey as a business owner. Additionally, Nathan stressed the importance of aligning personal values with business goals, ensuring that how they do things is just as important as what they do.



This episode is packed with wisdom and practical advice for anyone considering acquiring a business or looking to optimize their current operation. Nathan’s unique perspective as a scientist turned business owner, coupled with his faith-driven approach, makes for an engaging and insightful conversation. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from Nathan’s experiences and apply his lessons to your own business journey. Tune in to The Exceptional Business Podcast now!



If you want to know more about Nathan Moody, you may reach out to him at:


Books mentioned by Nathan: The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

                                                   The Fourth Turning Is Here by Neil Howe


Connect with Chris Seegers:  



Other Resources:

Books: Selling Main Street by Chris Seegers

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